

Aceros Corona S.R.L.

ACEROS CORONA S.R.L. is an Argentine foundry that has been supplying high quality special steels for long. It was established in December 2003 by its present owners: Eng. Adolfo Koblecovsky and his sons, Marcelo Javier and Alejandro Maximiliano. There is a family history behind this company that goes back to 1973, when Adolfo Koblecovsky and his brothers Raúl and Alfredo founded "Inoxidables Lincoln S.R.L." in the city of Wilde, Avellaneda district, with the purpose of manufacturing the parts that several industries were importing by that time. The company also developed special alloys for producing parts to be supplied to different industries. At current, the firm sells its production both domestically and abroad. New customers, investments on new technologies and training…

Aceros Corona S.R.L.

Country: Argentina
Address: Godoy Cruz 1984 - B1766BSJ - La Tablada Partido de la Matanza-Bs. As.
Postal Code:
Website: http://www.aceroscorona.com.ar

Aceros Corona S.R.L.

Address: Godoy Cruz 1984 - B1766BSJ - La Tablada Partido de la Matanza-Bs. As. Postal Code: Website: http://www.aceroscorona.com.ar

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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